15% discount

Galileo 2 – Z XL Drive Kit by LDO

LDO Galileo 2 G2Z XL for Voron V2.4 / Micron Plus with a bigger stepper motor.
Prevents Z on large bed to drop / fall.

G2 Z-Drive (G2Z XL) is designed as a compact Z-drive for the Voron V2.4 and Micron printers. It features the same 9:1 planetary gearbox and stepper in an easy-to-assemble package without the need for belts or pulleys (outside of the Z belt pulley). This design saves considerable space in the electronics compartment for small V2 printers, as well as the Micron 120 and 180 printers, allowing for more room where it’s needed most. On larger V2 printers the benefit is smaller, but still includes the higher gear ratio (up to 9:1 from 5:1) for increased print resolution. There are also multiple applications for user mods outside of the V2/Micron printers, such as a belted V0 Z drive. We only recommend on smaller printers such as Micron.

Galileo 2 also counts with the benefits of large gears and bearings.

There is a discount for multiple quantities:

Quantity Price Discount
1x 60€ no discount
2x 114€ 5% discount
3x 162€ 10% discount
4x 204€ 15% discount

Credits of the Galileo and Orbiter: JaredC01 and Robert Lorincz


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Galileo 2 – Z XL Drive Kit by LDO