Voron Tap Probe Kit

This is the absolutely new Voron Tap developed by the Voron Team revision R8

You can probe your Bed + PEI Steel Plate with the nozzle of the hotend. *Tap* *Tap* and that’s it!

Credits: Voron Team

Accordingly to Timmit:

“Voron Tap is a nozzle probe that uses an small, 50mm long, MGN9 Linear rail between the X-carriage and the toolhead to allow the entire toolhead to move up a few mm’s triggering an optical flag endtop. This probing removes the need for an external z-probe (Inductive, Klicky, UnKlicky, etc.) as well as the need for a external Z-endstop (Microswitch, Sexbolt, etc.). It is magnetically latched downwards and takes around 600G of force to uncouple the magnets and activate the sensor.” This means a lot! No more z offset, z auto calibration script, etc.

We have prepared a high end Voron Tap Probe Kit that is composed by all the top notch items you need (because this probe will face a lot of repetitions and high temps).
We are sure you won’t find a better kit!


  • 50mm MGN 9H 440c SUS silver stainless steel and Z1 preload.
    Preload is very important and it’s exactly right for a play-free and binding-free motion. They are more rigid than a normal rail. From a well known supplier recommended at BOM.
    440c stainless steel guarantees it won’t get rusted and will last forever.
    This small rail in the best on the market for this job. Signed by Lab4450.com
  • 4x 6x3mm N52 Magnets
    Very powerful magnetic certified N52 magnets Made in German. Most prepared for high temp. Will last longer than conventional chinese N35.
  • 1x OptoTap rev 1.3 5v or OptoTap rev2.4.1 5-24V. Both can be shipped with the Omron SX-EE398 (normal temperature) or Optek OPB666N (High Temperature). In addition you can add a D2HW switch.
  • 11x Heatset inserts
  • 3x M3 hex nut
  • 8x M3 washers
  • 2x M3x50 SHCS full thread
  • 2x M3x20 SHCS
  • 3x M3x16 SHCS
  • 3x M3x12 SHCS
  • 2X m3x12 BHCS
  • 2x M3x10 BHCS
  • 2x M3x8 BHCS
  • 1x M3x6 SHCS
  • 2x M3x6 FHCS black oxide fully magnetic screws
  • 10x M3x6 BHCS
  • 4x M2x10 self tapping screw

No printed parts are included.


Differences between Omron SX-EE398 vs. Optek OPB666N ?

 Omron SX-EE398  Optek OPB666N
 Max working temperature ( = Max Chamber Temp + 10% Tolerance )  75ºc 100ºc (thats why it’s considered high temp)
 Other specs and Everything else irrelevant irrelevant


Information about our OptoTap 

Before soldering the octo sensor, Lab4450 has glued it to the PCB using a special glue. This small but detailed job makes sure that the sensor won’t wobble. Repeatedly and long term usage will immensely benefit from this.

By default the version 2.4.1 runs between 5 volt up to 24 volts. Just connect whatever voltage between 5v and 24v and it’s going to work! No need for any other modification.


All details, credits and inscrutions are available at: https://github.com/VoronDesign/Voron-Tap

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