Voron v0 Hartk Simple Display Rev2

Designed and open-sourced by Hartk, the Voron V0 simple display uses a single ribbon cable to connect the display to the skr mini e3 v2 board. You don’t need anything else. No USB cables, no breakout boards, nothing! It’s plug and play.

Our display has the RGB Led included that can be configured to light up different colors according to different actions and status. Encoder rotates and clicks to allow navigation through the menu. Reset button on the right.

Recommend for voron v0.1 with SKR Mini. This product won’t work with SKR Pico.

This item is fully soldered and in ready condition to be used.

Includes 50cm 10pin ribbon cable.

We suggest printing these printed parts edited by us to fit this product properly instead of the original. Please super glue the spacer.stl between the bottom of the display and the PCB

We have two options available for sale:

  • Voron v0 Hartk Simples display rev2
  • Voron v0 Hartk Simples display rev2 + printed parts + fully mounted and assembled

For SKR mini E3 v1.2 please use this klipper config:

lcd_type: sh1106
click_pin: ^!PB6
i2c_bus: i2c1a
i2c_mcu = mcu
encoder_pins: ^PA9, ^PA10
kill_pin: ^!PB7
vcomh: 60
x_offset: 2

[neopixel display_led]
pin: PB5
color_order: GRB
initial_RED: 0.5
initial_GREEN: 0.5
initial_BLUE: 0.5

For SKR mini E3 v2 please use this klipper config:

lcd_type: sh1106
click_pin: ^!PA15
i2c_bus: i2c1a
i2c_mcu = mcu
encoder_pins: ^PA9, ^PA10
kill_pin: ^!PB15
vcomh: 60
x_offset: 2

[neopixel display_led]
pin: PB5
color_order: GRB
initial_RED: 0.5
initial_GREEN: 0.5
initial_BLUE: 0.5

For SKR mini E3 v3 please use this klipper config:

lcd_type: sh1106
click_pin: ^!PA15
i2c_bus: i2c1_PB8_PB9
i2c_mcu: mcu
encoder_pins: ^PA9,^PA10
kill_pin: ^!PD6
vcomh: 60
x_offset: 2

[neopixel display_led]
pin: PB5
color_order: GRB
initial_RED: 0.5
initial_GREEN: 0.5
initial_BLUE: 0.5

#sda = pb9
#scl = pb8


Example how to change to red color:

SET_LED LED=display_led RED=1.0 GREEN=0.0 BLUE=0.0 INDEX=1 TRANSMIT=1 SYNC=1


If your display is VCC GND SCL SDA and your display is getting too hot, its becaused vin and ground is switched and you need to cut trace and solder the pads on the back of the PCB. Cut the trace in green color and solder the two other pads in red color. Make a continuity test before connecting it to the mother board.


Author and info: https://github.com/hartk1213/MISC/tree/main/PCBs/v0_simple_display

Not sure what display you need to buy?


Printer has the SKR MINI E3 V1.2 or V2 or V3 or any other board with a single EXP 10 ribbon cable connector Printer has an SKR PICO or any other board with NO EXP 10 ribbon cable  connector Printer has a OCTOPUS or MANTA Board or any other board with 2x EXP 10 ribbon cable connector
Can I use a 12864 display? Yes. You can use a 12864 RGB display with the SKR Adpator for v1.2 / v2 or v3. No Yes. You can use a 12864 RGB display directly and don’t need anything else.
Is there a display that works directy with this board with no hassle? Yes. The Hartk Simple display Yes. Our new V0.2 RP2040 Display can be connect to the RPI by a USB-C cable or header cable. Yes. You can use a 12864 RGB display directly and don’t need anything else.


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